Monday, March 30, 2015

Wire Management & Pig tails

Wall warts and power strips do not mix!

The problem is power strips can be oriented horizontally or vertically, while wall warts & power cords can be oriented horizontally, vertically or on a 45 degree angle.
There have been some attempts to fix that with rotating and pivoting outlets on the power strips.

Sunday afternoon, I came home to check my mail box for the Amazon prime delivery of pig tails.

It only took three of the fifteen to eliminate the second power strip!

This is a small step in my larger project to add a UPS & neaten up my home network wiring. More to come!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Updating The 2009 LifeHacker QuadCore Hackintosh to Yosemite

Hi Folks, being house poor, I can not afford to upgrade my desktop hardware. :(

I am still rocking the 2009 GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P freshened up with a USB 3.0 card

I have a prior post on how to upgrade to Mavericks from Snow Leopard.

Do the prep work outlined here by

I am short on some of the boot parameters to get it running & I apologize.

You definitely need:
GraphicsEnabler=Yes, PCIRootUID=1

I have added a ORICO PVU3-5O2U USB3.0 card to my computer, paid $29 at the time

Post install, I was left with no audio & no working USB 3.0 here is the fix:

  • Get the kext Utility from
  • Delete the USB 3.0 kext you may have installed with Multibeast ( post )
  • Install the kext from the above post, but I did it with the kext utility
  • Download & install the two audio Kexts from and install with the kext utility

This will get your Yosemite hackintosh with a GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P motherboard running USB 3.0 & Audio

When you build a hackintosh, you do not get the Apple office suite & iMovie for free, you have to pay for them.